Agresti, Albert A. (Father)

December 13, 2013

Jesuit Father Albert A. Agresti died Dec. 13, 2013. He was born in Boston on Aug. 5, 1949, the son of Michael and Evelyn Sera Agresti.

Agresti, Albert A.

Jesuit Father Albert A. Agresti died Dec. 13, 2013. He was born in Boston on Aug. 5, 1949, the son of Michael and Evelyn Sera Agresti. The family home was in Quincy and Fr. Agresti attended local schools there, graduating from North Quincy High School. He studied history at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and when he received his B.A. degree, in 1971, he entered the novitiate of the New England Province, St. Andrew House, on Newbury Street in Boston.

After first vows, in 1973, he did collegian studies at Boston College, earning an M.A. in philosophy. He spent a year as a regent, teaching English at the Cranwell School, Lenox, Mass., in 1974-75. From 1975 to 1979 he studied theology at the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley in California, interrupting his studies there for 18 months of Clinical Pastoral Education at Bon Secours Hospital in Methuen, Mass. He was a campus minister at the University of San Francisco from 1979 to 1981 and was ordained to the priesthood at the College of the Holy Cross, in 1980. From 1981 to 1986 he studied counseling psychology at Ohio State.

With his doctorate in hand, he taught psychology at several universities: Boston College, Loyola University Chicago, the University of San Francisco, and San Jose State University. He was associate dean at St. Louis University and dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Creighton University. From 2005 to 2007, he engaged in retreat ministry, at Gloucester and then at Campion Center, including serving as director of the Renewal Center there. From 2007 to 2011, he was Catholic chaplain at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, in Lebanon, N.H. His administrative talents led to his being invited to become senior manager of operations for graduate medical education at the medical center, which is affiliated with Dartmouth Medical School. He belonged to a number of professional and scholarly associations.

Quite recently, he received a diagnosis of a serious medical condition and he was making plans to step down from his position. Friends became concerned last week when he failed to keep appointments. He was found dead in his apartment on Dec. 13.

Fr. Agresti is survived by two brothers, Joseph Agresti (of Naples, Fla.) and Carmen Agresti (of Stoughton, Mass.); his nephews Jason, Paul, and Adam Agresti; two aunts, Enes Centofanti and Adela Contrada; and several cousins and grandnephews and grandnieces.