Endres, John C. (Father)

January 26, 2022

Father John C. Endres, SJ, Emeritus Professor of Scripture at the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University, died peacefully January 26, 2022, at Sacred Heart Jesuit Center in Los Gatos, California.

Father John C. Endres, SJ, Emeritus Professor of Scripture at the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University, died peacefully January 26, 2022, at Sacred Heart Jesuit Center in Los Gatos, California. He was 75 years old and a Jesuit for 53 years.

He was a faculty member of the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, California, since 1982, teaching a variety of courses with a focus on the Psalms, Wisdom literature, Deuterocanonical books of the Old Testament and the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Fr. Endres was born in Tacoma, Washington, on June 16, 1946. He graduated from Bellarmine Preparatory School in Tacoma and College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts, and then entered the Jesuit novitiate in Sheridan, Oregon. He taught Latin and Greek at Gonzaga Preparatory School in Spokane, Washington (1971-73); studied Hebrew at Hebrew University in Jerusalem (1973-74); and made his theological studies at Weston School of Theology in Cambridge, Massachusetts (1974-77). He was ordained a priest in Seattle June 19, 1976.

He did doctoral studies in theology at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee (1977-82), and joined the faculty of the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley. Except for occasional sabbaticals and visiting professorships, he remained there, receiving emeritus status in 2020.

Fr. Endres loved being part of the faculty, where he was involved with both the academic and spiritual formation of the students. In addition to teaching, he led student tours and pilgrimages to lands of the Bible. He wrote extensively, using his knowledge of nine modern and ancient languages to publish books and scholarly articles in his field. He was a member of many professional organizations, including the Society of Biblical Literature, the Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality and the Catholic Biblical Association of America (CBA), where he served a term as president and as an editor of the CBA’s Catholic Biblical Quarterly. Among his many publications are The Fallen Angels Tradition (2014), First and Second Chronicles (2012), A Retreat with the Psalms (2001), and Temple, Monarchy, and Word of God (1988).

In addition to his scholarly work, Fr. Endres ministered in parishes in the Oakland diocese, at the federal prison for women in Dublin, California, at Seeds of Life Spirituality Center sponsored by the Verbum Dei Missionary Sisters, and as chaplain to the Ignatian Volunteer Corps. Among the things that most delighted him was his work with Women of Wisdom and Action Initiative, a program that served women religious and their congregations and missions from different parts of Asia.

Fr. Endres is survived by a sister, Jane (Tom) Vimont, of Kirkland, Washington; nephews David (Mary) Vimont of New York City; Dan (Mandee) Vimont of Madison, Wisconsin; niece Jill (Matt) James of Bothell, Washington; and many grandnephews and grandnieces.

A funeral Mass will be held Friday, February 11, 2022, at 11:15 a.m. at Sacred Heart Jesuit Center in Los Gatos. Because of Covid restrictions, in-person attendance will not be open to the public; click here to watch the livestream.

Another funeral Mass will be held Saturday, February 19, at 10 a.m. at St. Mary Magdalen Church (2005 Berryman St., Berkeley, California 94709).