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After active ministry as a regent, Jesuits begin a period of focused theology studies. In the United States, these are the studies that lead to the Master of Divinity degree for scholastics in priestly preparation. The brothers usually work toward a Master’s degree in theological or religious studies.

Ulises Covarrubias

Hometown: Inglewood, California
Province: USA West

Ulises received a bachelor’s degree in international development studies from the University of California, Los Angeles and a master’s degree in public diplomacy from the University of Southern California. Prior to entering the Society, he volunteered at Tierra Blanca Arts Center, a nonprofit dedicated to bringing dance and music to underserved communities. He completed his First Studies at St. Louis University in Missouri. During regency, he taught Spanish and philosophy at Seattle Preparatory School. He is currently studying theology at Centre Sèvres  in Paris, France.