The Ignatian Way, September 29 – October 15

Dear Pilgrims and Friends,

As the Covid-19 vaccine is becoming increasingly available, along with the opening of international travel in the spring, we want to announce our 2021 pilgrimage: The Ignatian Way, September 29 – October 15. We will follow the same pathway that Pilgrim St. Ignatius traveled from Loyola Castle to the world-famous Black Madonna of the Benedictine Montserrat Monastery, ending our journey in the spectacular city of Barcelona. This is the only time that Jesuits West will be making this pilgrimage to coincide with the Ignatian Year beginning May 20, 2021, that commemorates the wounding of St. Ignatius at Pamplona in 1421, 500 years ago, and his conversion. Click here for the pilgrimage brochure and registration form.

This exclusive, land-only pilgrimage will be our longest ever: 17 days and 16 nights. Like our 2019 Camino de Santiago, this will be a hiking tour averaging 10-to-15 miles a day, limited to 18 participants. We will be using highly reputable Marly Camino travel agency, renown for the expertise of their guides, safety of coach drivers, quality accommodations and superb meals. Fr. Sam Bellino, SJ, and Fr. John Mossi, SJ, will be your spiritual guides with input on the life and spirituality of St. Ignatius along with the celebration of daily Mass. You will be in the best of company and care.

Registration for this pilgrimage will only be through Jesuits West. We are expecting a high demand for the limited openings. To secure your place send in your registration and $800 deposit. We will keep an active waiting list.

The land-only price is $6,950. Final payment due June 21, 2021. Checks made out to Jesuits West. Travel arrangements to Madrid, our meeting point, and from Barcelona are on your own.

Because we are using a Spanish travel agency, if our pilgrimage must be cancelled or postpone because of the pandemic, Spain’s General Tourism Board will guarantee a full refund. This guarantee is only for COVID-19 cancellation. Any other cancelation reasons must be covered by your personal travel insurance. It is essential that you obtain personal travel insurance for your protection.

Click here for the pilgrimage brochure and registration form. For more information, please contact Fr. Sam at or (408) 884-1639. If you have ever been on one of our pilgrimages, we always strive to made them extra special. The Ignatian Way will be our best!

Blessings and prayers always,

The Ignatian Way Team