Three Jesuits West Novices Pronounce First Vows

August 16, 2021 — After two years of learning to live, serve and pray as Jesuit novices, Chris Castaneda, SJ, Kevin Lee, SJ, and José Abrham Oros Ponce, SJ, professed first vows of poverty, chastity and obedience on August 14 at Sacred Heart Chapel at Loyola Marymount University.

José Abrham Oros Ponce, SJ, Chris Castaneda, SJ, and Kevin Lee, SJ

“We’re so grateful for Chris, and Kevin and José. We’re grateful for their yes to God. And we’re grateful to God who has called them, who has begun this good work in them and who will bring it to completion,” said Fr. Stephen Corder, SJ, director of novices for Jesuits West, during his homily at the First Vows Mass, which was livestreamed so family and friends who weren’t present could watch.

The three newly-vowed Jesuits spent the previous two years at the Culver City novitiate learning about the Society of Jesus, participating in local ministries and living in community. They also performed community service and completed the 30-day Spiritual Exercises retreat.

Fr. Sean Carroll, SJ, provincial of Jesuits West, and Fr. Stephen Corder, SJ, director of novices

“Chris, Kevin and José, we are all moved by your courage and by the faith, hope and love with which you profess your vows today in the Society of Jesus. Thank you for your witness, and thank you for your trust in God,” Fr. Corder said.

Now that they have pronounced first vows in the Society, these three Jesuits will continue their formation with several years of philosophy studies at a Jesuit university.