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Celebrating Jesuits West Jubilarians

Our 2021 Jesuits West jubilarians have served in a variety of ministries at apostolates across the western United States. We asked some of this year’s jubilarians to reflect on their milestone moment.

Fr. Justin Claravall, SJ: Praying during the Pandemic

Fr. Justin Claravall, SJ, associate pastor at Dolores Mission Church in Los Angeles, recently celebrated the first anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. The milestone led him to reflect on what it has meant to live out his vocation during this time of pandemic—and how God is inviting him to pray with the present moment. The brief reflection and video retreats are the fruits of that prayer.

Celebrating the Ignatian Year

The Society of Jesus worldwide will celebrate an Ignatian Year from 2021-2022, beginning May 20, 2021, exactly 500 years after St. Ignatius was wounded by a cannonball during the Battle of Pamplona. During his long convalescence following the injury, Ignatius converted to a life of holiness.

The Ignatian Way, September 29 – October 15

As the Covid-19 vaccine is becoming increasingly available, along with the opening of international travel in the spring, we want to announce our 2021 pilgrimage: The Ignatian Way, September 29 – October 15.

Read Fr. Kevin O’Brien, SJ’s Homily from the Inaugural Mass

This morning, Fr. Kevin O’Brien, SJ, president of Santa Clara University, celebrated a Roman Catholic Mass for President-elect Joe Biden, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, their extended families, and Congressional leadership before Biden’s inauguration as the 46th President of the United States.

Join Jesuits West for Mass this Advent

Let us spend Advent together as the Jesuits West family. Details about our liturgies follow. Please join us this Advent season as we wait in joyful hope together.