Rocky Mountain Mission Parishes
As far back as the late 18th century, Chief Shining Shirt of the Pend d’Oreille tribe in Mission Valley, Montana, had visions that one day men would come in black robes and teach important new truths about religion. That prophecy was fulfilled when, at the urging of Native people, Fr. Peter DeSmet, a Belgian Jesuit, worked to establish missions with the Flatheads in 1841, the Coeur d’Alenes in 1842, the Kalispels in 1844 and the Colviles in 1845.
Newman Center Catholic Community at UC San Diego
The Newman Center Catholic Community at UC San Diego came into existence with the founding of the University in 1966.
Alaska Mission
Alaska Mission
St. Ignatius Parish
St. Ignatius Parish is a strong community of families, single professionals, empty nesters, retirees, Catholics, and others who aspire to do great things for God and others.
St. Francis Xavier Parish
As a Catholic faith community, we are committed to listening to the words of Jesus and following his example.
St. Aloysius Church
St. Aloysius Gonzaga Church is located in the historic Logan neighborhood, in close proximity to the Gonzaga University campus, and has served both town and gown well over the years.
St. Francis Xavier Parish
Welcome to St. Francis Xavier!
St. Agnes Catholic Church
St. Agnes is a Jesuit, Catholic parish founded in 1893 and located in the historic Haight-Ashbury neighborhood of San Francisco.
St. Joseph Parish
For more than 100 years, the Catholic community of St. Joseph Parish has come together to follow Jesus Christ in word and sacrament, in the education of our young, and in the service of all our sisters and brothers.
Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church
At Most Holy Trinity Church, we are proud of our Liturgical worship services and invite you to come and participate fully.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
Founded in 1917, Our Lady of Guadalupe is a Jesuit parish in San Diego, Calif., whose mission is to accompany, inspire, and educate especially Mexican-Americans in their journeys with the Blessed Virgin and her Divine Son.
St. Ignatius Loyola Parish
St. Ignatius Loyola Parish is a Roman Catholic Community of the Diocese of Sacramento.