Ignatian Spiritual Life Center

The Center for Ignatian Spirituality at St. Ignatius Loyola Parish in Sacramento provides opportunities for experiencing, learning about and training in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.
Center for Ignatian Spirituality

The Center for Ignatian Spirituality at St. Ignatius Loyola Parish in Sacramento provides opportunities for experiencing, learning about and training in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.
Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life

The Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life (SEEL) is a ministry of the Jesuits West Province that gives laypeople the opportunity to experience the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius in their everyday lives over nine months.
Christus Ministries

Christus Ministries focuses on helping parishes form young adults who have a strong sense of discipleship and a clear desire to discover and live out their personal vocation (true self and mission in life).
Ignatian Spirituality Center

The Ignatian Spirituality Center is an ecumenical and interfaith outreach ministry founded in 1994, seeking to serve the spiritual needs of the people of Western Washington.
Loyola Institute for Spirituality

In the Ignatian tradition, Loyola Institute for Spirituality accompanies people on their journey toward a life-giving relationship with God, self, and others, through experiential formation to help transform the world.
Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos

The peaceful surroundings of The Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos invite guests to pause for reflection while enjoying the solitude of quiet, wooded hills.