Two Jesuits West Novices Profess First Vows
MacLean Andrews, SJ, and Alvaro Pacheco Jr., SJ, professed first vows of poverty, chastity and obedience on August 10, 2024, at Loyola Marymount University.
Fr. Andrew Rodriguez, SJ, Appointed Novice Director
Fr. Andrew Rodriguez, SJ, will serve as the next director of novices for the Jesuits West Province.
Manuel Chavira, SJ, Ordained a Deacon
On Tuesday, April 5, Manuel Chavira, SJ, of Jesuits West, was ordained a deacon at St. Ignatius Catholic Church in Portland, Oregon.
Fr. Victor Cancino, SJ, Reflects on Final Vows
Fr. Victor Cancino, SJ, reflects on the significance of his upcoming final vows, the final step in his formation as a Jesuit.
Fr. Marc Reeves, SJ, Pronounces Final Vows
Fr. Marc Reeves, SJ, pronounced final vows in the Society of Jesus during the Loyola Marymount University Jesuit community liturgy on December 1.
Join Us on November 5 for a Guided Prayer for Hope and Healing
On November 5, the feast of all the Saints and Blessed of the Society of Jesus, join us as Jesuits from the five provinces of the US and Canada guide you through a livestreamed prayer experience to pray for our world, plagued by political division, racial injustice, environmental inequities, and the ongoing pandemic of COVID 19.
Jesuits West Formation Gathering in Tucson
January 6, 2020 — For several days in late December, approximately 60 Jesuits in formation – from novices to those who have been preparing for priesthood for more than a decade — gathered in the desert.