Santa Clara University Leaders Visit the Vatican

A delegation of leaders from Santa Clara University visited Rome from March 17-19 to meet with senior Vatican leaders and leaders of the Society of Jesus.
Pope Francis to Celebrate 400th Anniversary of the Canonizations of Sts. Ignatius and Francis Xavier with Mass in Rome

March 12, 2022, will mark the 400th anniversary of the canonizations of St. Ignatius Loyola and St. Francis Xavier. To celebrate the occasion, Pope Francis will preside over an anniversary Mass at the Church of the Gesù in Rome, which will be livestreamed.
Pope Francis: Celebrating 50 Years of a Priestly Vocation

December 13, 2019 — Today Pope Francis celebrates the 50th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood — a ministry he sees as being a shepherd who walks with his flock and yearns to find those who are lost.
Pope Francis’ Easter Message Supporting Universal Wage

Pope Francis released an Easter Sunday letter to individuals working to help those at the margins, calling them an “invisible army fighting in the most dangerous trenches.” Noting that the impact of a global pandemic has been more acute for those without steady income and recognizing that “market solutions do not reach the peripheries, and State protection is hardly visible,” he suggests the time may be right for new thinking.
Mission Magazine – Spring 2016

Mission Magazine – Spring 2018