On Prayer
Fr. Thomas Murphy, SJ, on Prayer
Fr. Justin Claravall, SJ: Praying during the Pandemic
Fr. Justin Claravall, SJ, associate pastor at Dolores Mission Church in Los Angeles, recently celebrated the first anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. The milestone led him to reflect on what it has meant to live out his vocation during this time of pandemic—and how God is inviting him to pray with the present moment. The brief reflection and video retreats are the fruits of that prayer.
An April Prayer for Vocations to the Society of Jesus
By Joe Kraemer, SJ, is in theology studies at the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University
Christmas 2020 Prayer
Christmas 2020 Prayer
You Are Not Alone: Prayers and Meditation
Prayers and Meditation
Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life (SEEL) – Missoula, WA
Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life (SEEL) – Spokane, WA
Ignatian spirituality helps people discover God working in their daily lives. It invites each to a deeper knowledge of God’s love for them and into greater freedom to follow God’s call. The gift of Ignatian spirituality is to find ourselves more engaged in the world in a prayerful way.
Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life (SEEL) – Seattle
The Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life (SEEL) is a transforming nine month retreat experience in everyday life. Our SEEL retreat is at capacity in Seattle and Tacoma for the 2019-20 year.
Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life (SEEL) – Tacoma, WA
The Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life (SEEL) is a transforming nine month retreat experience in everyday life. Our SEEL retreat is at capacity in Seattle and Tacoma for the 2019-20 year.